The Intense Penis Pump is the best way to improve your sexual performance, size and stamina. We send product samples to men between the ages of 22 and 45 with erection problems or simply to improve penis size and performance. The feedback was 100% positive, everyone confirmed that it is the best product on the market.
Intense Penis Pump helps you achieve an erection more easily through a vacuum system that concentrates blood in the penis when it is still flaccid. The erection is achieved and maintained through a comfortable and airtight seal at the base of the body, just at the junction of the penis and the pubis, thanks to which the blood is retained in the trunk. Thanks to the sleeve, the seal is firm, comfortable and watertight without pinching.
Doctors consider the penis pump to be an effective and inexpensive treatment for erectile dysfunction and claim that prolonged use of the device will permanently increase the size of the penis.
Other advantages of the Intense Penis Pump variety are, among others, delayed ejaculation, improved sexual appetite, increased testosterone, maintenance of harder and longer-lasting erections and support of penile tissue after prostate surgery.
Intense Penis Pump 02 improves your performance thanks to the integrated meter. At a more advanced level, the calibration system is necessary to optimize performance and ensure true pressure.
To use, simply insert your penis into the cylinder, tighten the medical-style handle, and watch your penis gain strength with great pleasure! The elastic nozzle forms a perfectly tight seal against your skin and creates a powerful vacuum within the chamber, forcing your penis to rapidly expand in length and girth. The clear cylinder lets you see how your member gets bigger and thicker with each pump.
Once it reaches your desired size, simply press the quick release button to instantly relieve pressure and you're ready to play!
When finished, simply remove the cylinder from the hose and clean it with Waterfeel Toy Cleaner Gel and warm water.
INTENSE Penis Pump, offers instant results!
- Technical specifications of the Intense Penis Pump 02;
- insertable length; 20 cm
- Total internal diameter; 6.5 cm
- Material; abdomen + silicone
- Waterproof